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Server Time:Sun, Jan 19, 2025, 19:33:59
Your Local Time:Sun, Jan 19, 2025, 19:33:59

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Top Sold Items - January

Elemental Crystal
Elemental Crystal
Account Bound
1 Piece

[Material Item]
Elemental Crystal created with power of fire, ice, wind, and earth.
Use this artifact to obtain special items.
Divine Stone
Divine Stone
Account Bound
1 Piece

A core that exudes mysterious and powerful holy energy.

Available at Youta (Craft Merchant) NPC Shop in Port Lux.
CABAL eCoin Voucher (Bronze)
CABAL eCoin Voucher (Bronze)
Property: Undropable
5,000 eCoins

Cabal eCoins get refilled upon its use.
+5.000 eCoins
(Right click to use)
Honor Medal Reset Scroll (Option Selective)
Honor Medal Reset Scroll (Option Selective)
Property: Undropable

Remove selected Honor Medal Slot.
(Right click to use)
Blessing Bead - EXP (300%)
Blessing Bead - EXP (300%)
Property: Undropable

Increases your EXP acquisition by 300% for a set duration.
(Right click to use.)
Blessing Bead - Drop Rate (100%)
Blessing Bead - Drop Rate (100%)
Property: Undropable

Blessing Bead Bonus 100% more Drop Rate for a set duration.
(Right click to use)
Potion of Honor Medal
Potion of Honor Medal
Property: Account Bound
Amount: 800

Increases Medal Score.
Maximum % of Medal Score / Grade for each Rank that can be gained by using this potion.
Captain: up to 100%
General: up to 80%
Commander: up to 40%
Hero: up to 30%
Legend: up to 20%
(Right click to use)
Drosnin's Magic Core
Drosnin's Magic Core
Account Bound
1 Piece

Source of magical power extracted from Drosnin's earring.
Perius' Empty Heart
Perius' Empty Heart
Account Bound
1 Piece

[Material Item]
The heart, core of power taken out of Perius' giant body.
Material used to make Ascending Perius' earring and Eroding Perius' earring.
Chaos Core
Chaos Core
Account Bound
1 Piece

A craft core that beholds the hidden power of chaos!
Blessing Bead - Craft EXP (100%)
Blessing Bead - Craft EXP (100%)
Property: Undropable

Blessing Bead Bonus 100% more Craft EXP points for a set duration.
(Right click to use)
Blessing Bead - Skill EXP (200%)
Blessing Bead - Skill EXP (200%)
Property: Undropable

Blessing Bead Bonus 200% more Skill EXP points for a set duration.
(Right click to use)
Note: Data is cached and is refreshed every 1 hour(s).

Last Sold Items

Blessing Bead - Skill EXP (200%)
Blessing Bead - Skill EXP (200%)
Property: Undropable

Blessing Bead Bonus 200% more Skill EXP points for a set duration.
(Right click to use)
Honor Medal Reset Scroll (Option Selective)
Honor Medal Reset Scroll (Option Selective)
Property: Undropable

Remove selected Honor Medal Slot.
(Right click to use)
Blessing Bead - EXP (300%)
Blessing Bead - EXP (300%)
Property: Undropable

Increases your EXP acquisition by 300% for a set duration.
(Right click to use.)
Potion of Honor
Potion of Honor
Account Bound
Amount: 10,000,000

A potion which you can earn certain amount of Honor Points.
Blessing Bead - Warehouse (Nr.7)
Blessing Bead - Warehouse (Nr.7)
Property: Undropable

You can use additional warehouse slots for a limited time. The effects are applied only to the character who used this.
(Right click to use)
Elemental Crystal
Elemental Crystal
Account Bound
1 Piece

[Material Item]
Elemental Crystal created with power of fire, ice, wind, and earth.
Use this artifact to obtain special items.
Divine Stone
Divine Stone
Account Bound
1 Piece

A core that exudes mysterious and powerful holy energy.

Available at Youta (Craft Merchant) NPC Shop in Port Lux.
Blessing Bead - Craft EXP (100%)
Blessing Bead - Craft EXP (100%)
Property: Undropable

Blessing Bead Bonus 100% more Craft EXP points for a set duration.
(Right click to use)
Force Core (Pet)
Force Core (Pet)

Adds a special ability to pets by equipping to the force slots.
Blessing Bead - Drop Rate (100%)
Blessing Bead - Drop Rate (100%)
Property: Undropable

Blessing Bead Bonus 100% more Drop Rate for a set duration.
(Right click to use)
Potion of Honor Medal
Potion of Honor Medal
Property: Account Bound
Amount: 800

Increases Medal Score.
Maximum % of Medal Score / Grade for each Rank that can be gained by using this potion.
Captain: up to 100%
General: up to 80%
Commander: up to 40%
Hero: up to 30%
Legend: up to 20%
(Right click to use)
Change Kit (Hair Style) - Foetree
Change Kit (Hair Style) - Foetree
Property: Undropable

A kit which enables a character to select a new hairstyle among Foetree Brand styles.
(Right click to use)
Note: Data is cached and is refreshed every 1 hour(s).

Server Rates

Experience x100
Skill Exp. x100
War Exp. x100
Craft Exp. x100
Pet Exp. x100
Alz Drop x400 x450 🔥
Alz Bomb x100

Top Players

SailorMoonPorn 0GR 30MR 10RR 210LV
Chomps 0GR 30MR 10RR 210LV
Mouli 0GR 30MR 10RR 210LV
MisuPanda 0GR 30MR 10RR 210LV

Competitive Rankings