Server Time:Sun, Sep 8, 2024, 04:18:06
Your Local Time:Sun, Sep 8, 2024, 04:18:06

Drop Details

Details about the chest, box and special drops.

Last updated: 2024-June-14 15:30:48

Below you can see the details about how drops are configured for all kinds of chests, boxes and special monsters.

Mysterious Capsule General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Mysterious Capsule
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 2 4 4
Treasure Chest General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Treasure Chest
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 2 4 4
Relic Chest General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Relic Chest
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 2 4 4
Secret Box of Siena General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Secret Box of Siena
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 2 4 4
Relic Box General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Relic Box
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 2 4 4
Legacy Chest General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Legacy Chest
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 3 4 6
Legacy Box General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Legacy Box
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 3 4 6
General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 3 4 6
General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 3 4 6
Invader Mechbuffalo of Eternity General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Invader Mechbuffalo of Eternity
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 3 4 6
Zombie Warrior of Eternity General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Zombie Warrior of Eternity
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 3 4 6
Legendary Box General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Legendary Box
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 4 4 8
Death Prime Knight of Eternity General Drops Happy Hour Drops
Death Prime Knight of Eternity
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 4 4 8
G'ni of Eternity General Drops Happy Hour Drops
G'ni of Eternity
Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible Guaranteed Minimum Maximum Possible
2 4 4 8